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     "One never reaches so high as when he stoops to help another"

                                 Paraphrased by Mama Annie


The links below will help guide you through my personal page.

bulletMy Life
bulletMy Family
bulletMy Home
bulletFamily Giants
bulletEducational Institutions




My Life

     My life was launched in the mountains of West Virginia but moved to the piedmont area of North Carolina at a very early age. It was there that I received my formative education and zest for life. My small town was a close knit community where no one said it takes a whole village to raise a child, but everyone seemed to live it. Raising children was everyone’s responsibility and the entire town participated in it. You were never out of range of someone who knew you since every one in town knew everyone else. This served to keep you on the straight and narrow since there were no strangers in town.

     Even though I was raised in a single parent household, I was blessed to have three female adult role models in the home, my grandmother, (Mama Annie), my aunt, (Mama Ella), and my mother (Mama). They were giants in my life. Giants are those individuals that help pick you up and allow you to stand on their shoulders in order to get a better view. My life centered around church, school, and community. They were all connected. One cannot get into trouble when one's mind is occupied by positive forces. These institutions introduced me to other giants that have helped me succeed in life. I am very grateful for this experience.


  My Family

My marriage has lasted for approximately 39 years.

We are the proud parents of two children.

My Home

My grandmother was the matriarch of this house.

It has been renovated and enlarged over the years

Family Giants

Mama Annie


Mama Ella

This portfolio is lovingly dedicated to these giants

Educational Institutions

Mrs. Holland’s Kindergarten

Two years of my life were spent
here since my birthday came too
late for me to start 1st grade with
my friends.


Oaklawn Elementary School

Attended Grades 1 – 8

Newbold High School

Attended Grades 9 - 12


Photo: Barber-Scotia CollegeBarber-Scotia College

B. Davis Schwartz Memorial LibraryC. W. Post College

St. John's University

I have also studied at Yeshiva University and

Brooklyn College


     My life has been greatly influenced by my church experience.  The following pictures are a few of the churches I attended simultaneously  while growing up.



Providence Baptist Church

I joined this church when I was 9 years old.


Methodist Church

Historical church that hosted children parties and other social activities.

The oldest church building in town.


Presbyterian Church

Vacation Bible School and other educational activities

     The St. John's experience has greatly enhanced my growth as an individual, an involved community person, an educator, and a human being.  Education:  An Endless Challenge.





Home Personal Professional Learner Expert Scholar